How To Order with PayPal

PayPal provides an easy and quick way to send and request money online. You can transfer money (abroad) to family, friends, online shops, and auction sites like eBay.

Step 1: Simply add your desired items to the cart.
Step 2: Once you’re done, click the cart button on the top right hand side of the page and click “Checkout”.
Step 3: Fill in your shipping information. Tick PayPal (button left hand) and then click the “Place Order” (button right hand)
Step 4: Your Order will be forwarded to Us. Stay calm, we will reply you via Email with PayPal details

N.B  All Payments are sent as friends and family. Any payment sent as Goods and Services will not be shipped and nor refunded. The client will have to wait for 180 days to get an auto refund from PayPal. To avoid that, always make sure you are sending as friends and family

Don’t know how to send as friends and Family? Read the guidelines below

What is PayPal friends and family?

When you send or request money through your personal PayPal account, you can choose whether it’s a “Friends and Family” payment or a “Goods and Services” payment.

How do I  Pay as friends and family?

In order to send money using PayPal friends and family, both you and the recipient need to have a PayPal account (you can set one up for free). 

Sending money with PayPal friends and family only takes a few steps:

  1. Login to your PayPal account.
  2. Click Send
  3. Under Send money, Paste email we will send to you
  4. Enter payment amount, add a note (optional) and Click continue.
  5. When prompted, select Sending to a friend

You can also send friends and family payments using the PayPal app. The process is pretty similar on the app. From your PayPal app, here’s how to send money:

  1. Tap Send near the bottom of the screen.
  2. Paste Email we will send to you.
  3. Enter the amount, choose the currency, add a note (optional) and tap Next.
  4. Select  “Friends and Family” and tap Next.
  5. Select how you want to pay and tap Next.

Still Have difficulties sending Money as friends and family? Email Us: